Web Application Development Services

Our skilled team offers custom web application development services that are perfectly aligned with your business objectives. Whether it's an internal tool that enhances your employees' productivity or a customer-facing web application that drives engagement, we're here to assist. Reach out to us to get started on your web application development journey.

My personal journey in web application development began about 25 years ago, evolving from intranets for my then-employer the Dutch Postcode Lottery to complex web applications and e-commerce platforms when I started Django Web Studio. Our expertise is not just technical; just as it started for me when creating the intranet applications, we work in close collaboration with the people we are working for and with the users the application is meant to serve. We want to understand the needs of our users and create value for them.

Today, our portfolio spans various industries, showcasing our adaptability and deep understanding of the web application development lifecycle. Whether you are looking to launch a new application, or enhance an existing one, we are here to help. To discover more about our services, read on, or...

Custom Web Application Development

Are you seeking to integrate multiple APIs into a single application, centralise data collection, or automate your existing workflows to prepare for the future? A custom platform or portal could be the ideal solution for your needs. We specialise in creating custom web applications that streamline your processes and more effectively serve your target audience. Our approach is both swift and structured, implemented through agile sprints. Discover more about our methodologies here.

Our Web Application Development Process

Our process for developing web applications is meticulously structured to ensure that your vision is transformed into a secure and scalable web solution, with a strong focus on co-creation. Below is a step-by-step guide through our process, enriched at each stage by our combined expertise:


Planning and Analysis

We begin by defining the key value proposition of your project and understanding the problem you hope to solve. This early stage is critical for creating a mobile app that reflects your vision and delivers concrete value to your business.


Gathering Requirements

We dive deep into your specific requirements to ensure that every aspect of your app corresponds with your objectives. In these initial stages, our Business and Discovery solution helps us to identify what makes your idea stand out to determine the essential features that will make your mobile app valuable.



Our design process focuses is two-fold, encompassing both the architecture and user interface of your mobile application. The mobile application architecture ensures a robust foundation that meets all of your requirements, maintains stability, and includes essential application security measures. While the user interface design focuses on crafting an intuitive and engaging user experience. In many cases, this phase leads to the creation of a prototype.



During this coding and implementation phase, our team works hard to bring your idea to reality. Our process is Agile, with features broken down into small chunks of work and regular check-ins with stakeholders to maintain alignment.



Our mobile app developers and quality assurance engineers work closely together to conduct thorough tests that ensure that your app is the reliable and ready for the market. After all tests have been passed, we will present a demo to stakeholders to gather feedback and make any necessary adjustments.



We then proceed to make your app available to the public, launching it on the appropriate platforms to reach your audience. Our team ensures a smooth rollout, monitoring the launch to address any immediate issues. We have our Team as a Service solution that offers a dedicated, specialised team to bring your idea to life.



A digital product is never done. Our commitment the success of your app continues with ongoing support to keep it updated and running smoothly. We have our Managed Application Services, which includes monitoring and maintenance services that adapt your app to new technologies and user feedback, ensuring that it remains competitive and relevant.

Our Technology Stack

At Django Web Studio, we use modern technologies to create robust and future-proof online applications. Our technology stack contains:

  • Front-end: React, React Native, IOS, Android, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
  • Back-end: Python, Django
  • Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  • Cloud Services: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform, Akamai Linode

Our Web Application Development Expertise

Our web application development team has extensive experience in building a wide range of web solutions. Here’s an overview of some of our projects:

  • For Desty, we built an Online Travel Agency as a Service (OTAaaS if you will) where OTA can subscribe to in order to save them the effort of maintaining their own portfolio. OTA’s can customise the interface to make it their own, while making use of the complete sales flow system, with the option of selling packages with flights, cars, transit, attractions, and more.
  • For Inboxroad, an email deliverability expert, we are building out the initial application step by step to make it an even better experience for marketing agencies all over the world. We have created an onboarding process and just recently we launched a new administration application for Inboxroad employees, helping them in their job of helping their clients.
  • For Klimaatroute, a company working to make the world more energy-efficient, we are just finishing a large, four-part project in order to enable employees to be up to 3 times more productive when doing their energy scans and creating their reports.
  • For SRPRS.me, an OTA whose USP is surprise trips, we created an automation system where the manual work involved in booking a trip was reduced by about 75%. We also refactored Amadeus from XML to REST, and of course we do all ongoing maintenance work, as well as being on top of the status of the platform 24/7.


At Django Web Studio, we specialise in integrating a wide range of APIs into our web applications to improve functionality and user experience.


We integrated many payment APIs to provide secure, efficient, and adaptable payment options. Our integrations include leading platforms like Stripe, PayPal, Adyen, and Mollie


Our integration of Content Management Systems and CRM solutions, such as Wagtail, Pipedrive and Zoho Creator improves the functionality , data transfer and user experience of web applications.


We specialise in integrating travel data APIs, offering comprehensive data for the travel industry. Our integrations includes flight information from Amadeus and PYTON and hotel data from Travellanda, Juniper, Cangooroo, and OpenGDS. We also integrate car rental services like Sunny Cars and transfer services like Tranferz.


We help organisations use consumer data successfully by connecting platforms such as Ekomi, Delighted, and Google to collect insights and engage with customers


Our integration of providers such as Active Campaign, Postmark, Mailchimp/Mandrill, Sendgrid, Postmark, Messagebird, and Inboxroad allows for smooth and successful communication channels.

Our Web Application Development Team

Our web application development team comprises highly skilled and experienced professionals who are passionate about delivering exceptional results. Our team includes:

Project Managers:

Experienced project managers ensure seamless communication, timely delivery, and adherence to project requirements.

UI/UX Designers:

Our talented designers create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces that enhance the overall user experience.

Front-end Developers:

Our front-end developers specialize in building responsive and interactive user interfaces using the latest front-end technologies.

Back-end Developers:

Our back-end developers are experts in building robust and scalable server-side applications, integrating with databases, and implementing complex business logic.

Quality Assurance (QA) Engineers:

Our QA engineers rigorously test web solutions to ensure they meet the highest quality standards and are free from bugs and vulnerabilities.

DevOps Engineers:

Our DevOps engineers streamline the development and deployment processes, ensuring seamless integration and continuous delivery.

Web Application Development Services FAQs

Q: How much do your web application development services cost?

A: The cost of our web application development services varies depending on the project scope, complexity, and specific requirements. We offer flexible pricing models, including fixed-price projects, hourly rates, and monthly retainers. We provide detailed quotes after understanding your project requirements.

Q: How long does it take to develop a website or web application?

A: The development timeline depends on various factors, such as project complexity, features, and requirements. Typically, a basic website can be developed within 4-8 weeks, while more complex web applications may take several months. We provide accurate timelines during the planning phase.

Q: Do you provide ongoing maintenance and support?

A: Yes, we offer comprehensive maintenance and support services to ensure your web solution remains up-to-date, secure, and performs optimally. Our support plans include regular updates, security patches, performance optimizations, and bug fixes. See our Business & Discovery, Team as a Service and Managed Application Services for more information.

Q: Can you integrate my web solution with third-party services or APIs?

A: Absolutely. Our web application development team has extensive experience integrating web solutions with various third-party services, APIs, and platforms. We ensure seamless integration and data synchronisation to enhance functionality and streamline processes.
Mail Integrations such as Postmark and Active Campaign, CMS integration such as Pipedrive and Zoho Creator.

Q: Do you offer web hosting services?

A: Yes, we provide reliable and secure web hosting services tailored to your specific needs. Our hosting solutions are optimised for performance, scalability, and security, ensuring your web solution runs smoothly and efficiently.